19 July 2013

Saying goodbye and hello

Today I turned in my badge and drove away from what had been a 7 year rocket ship ride.  I joined Intuit 7/31/2006 with nothing more than instinct and guerilla marketing skills to get me by.  Turns out I also have survival and learning skills as well as along the way my teams and I have had an amazing run.  My colleagues have consistently delivered results and breakthrough programs and campaigns.   7 years later I come out of my Intuit experience so much different from when I started.  I lost a little hair and a little weight but gained a lot of friends and a lot of leadership skills. 

I feel prepared and ready to leave my comfort zone to take on a new experience as CMO of LifeLock.  The opportunity presents a new set of challenges.  I'm looking forward to testing myself and tackling a whole new learning curve once again. 

I've now realized one of my career ambitions and understand the irony that a chief MARKETING officer spends his/her time on many things other than marketing.  I look forward to seeing what kind of a leader I will be.  I have faith my preparation and experience will help keep me calm as the role is more problem solver than marketer.

I look forward to making new connections and meaningful relationships that build on the ones I've made from working with such talented and nice people in this past chapter of my life.

Intuit, I will miss you.  LifeLock, here I come :)
