08 June 2009

Turning the tables on Marketers

I was on a panel today at the iMedia Brand Summit with marketers from Taco Bell, Kaiser Permanente, A&E Television and Black & Decker. While the panel was to share "Marketers Needs" to the audience (primarily made up of publishers and agencies), I thought the most interesting question from he audience was one that turned the tables..."Why do Marketers Make It Hard On Agencies and Publishers."

I think that while marketers demand "best in class", integrated campaigns and leading edge social media executions, many (or most) of us aren't ready from the client-side to deliver on our half of the proposition. Easy to say "bring it on", but many marketers are stuck in their ways and aren't evolving as fast as they'd like.

1 comment:

  1. Seth, I think this is pretty simple actually. Marketers pay agencies for the fact that they know (or at least supposed to know)/can do something better than we (the client) can do. We are paying them for a this service. If they can't deliver on the "promise" or think of things that we haven't, we are/need to be hard on them.

    I can't tell you how many media reps/agencies are still pitching the same ideas they did 10 years ago. Consumer behaviour has greatly changed but their solutions haven't.

    My two cents,

